Duties of the Committee
Chair / Member(s)

AKC Breed Standard

Deals with all issues related to the breed standard

Jeff Bazell – Chair
[email protected]
Lorene Vickers-Smith
Heather Stants

Social Media

To share ABGA’s vision of connecting the past, managing the present and planning for the future as the primary guardian that protects and improves the Brussels Griffon

Kambria Ledesma – Chair
[email protected]
Pam Loeb
Katya Oliinechuk
Heather Stants

Public Education

Coordinates and disseminates factual and reliable information via the ABGA public Facebook page. And anything sent to ABGA by AKC Public Education Department.

Heather Stants
[email protected]
Kambria Ledesma

Health, Research Committee

The Health Committee is responsible for developing breed health awareness, resources to aid breeders/owners with information that promotes nutritional and lifetime care specific to the breed, as well as current links and guidelines for genetic health testing. Conducting of Health Surveys to monitor and assess health trends, to communicate survey results and encourage ongoing education by organizing research grants and speakers to inform breeders and owners with the latest information. The goal, to pave a healthy future for the Brussels Griffon breed

Jill Summerford-Davis
[email protected]


Organize programming to benefit members and support continuous education. Seminars and educational content can include grooming, reproduction, training and handling, and much more.

Heather Stants
[email protected]
Kambria Ledsma
[email protected]

Illustrated Standard

Handle questions and future revisions of the Illustrated Standard
Disseminate Illustrated Standard

Rhonda Peralta – Chair
[email protected]
Anne Catterson
Heather Stants

Judges Education/Mentor Program

Sanction Judges’ Education Seminars, create and disseminate seminar materials and train presenters. Also to approve members that meet specific criteria to become an ABGA Judges’ Education Mentor

Anne Catterson – Chair
[email protected]
Dawn Hansen
[email protected]
Rhonda Peralta
[email protected]

Lorene M. Vickers-Smith
[email protected]
Heather Stants
[email protected]
Pam Waldron
[email protected]

Liaison To Combined
Specialty Clubs of Louisville

Represent ABGA at Combined Specialty Club meetings and communicate information

Sharon Sakson
[email protected]

Membership Committee

Process new membership applications

Linda Vance – Chair
[email protected]


Works to settle problems submitted to the satisfaction of both parties

Bobbie Norkus
[email protected]

Show Protocol Committee

Maintain contact, answer questions for those holding ABGA show events intheir area, solve problems implementing ABGA Show Events Checklist

Bobbie Norkus
[email protected]

Specialty Judges Selection Committee

Create/maintain list of eligible judges & Sweeps nominations, Hold election of Specialty Sweeps and Breed judges

Linda Vance
[email protected]

ABGA Board Appointments

Appointed to
Duties of the Committee
Presently Serving

Ways and Means/
Finance Committee

Receive financial or budget requests from committees and implement through fundraising and allocation

Heidi Campbell- Co-Chair

Robin Schmidt- Co-Chair

National Specialty Trophy Committee

Arrange for trophy donations and select trophies for the Specialties

Dede Stevens
[email protected]

Audit Review Committee

Review all treasury statements and summaries after 12/3 and before the ABGA annual membership meeting


ABGA Bulletin

Publish and mail Bulletin to members

Anne Catterson – Editor
[email protected]
Rhonda Peralta
Francis Flavin

AKC Delegate

Represent ABGA at AKC delegate meetings & reports to ABGA.

The AKC Delegate also leads the AKC Good Sportsmanship Committee.

Mark Jaeger
[email protected]

Delegate to Parent Club’s Conference

Represent ABGA at conference and disseminate information to ABGA

Heather Stants
[email protected]

ABGA Historian

Gather and hold in one place historic and contemporary club/breed documents

Jeff Bazell – Chair
[email protected]

AKC Gazette Columnist

Write the breed column for AKC Gazette

Sharon Sakson
[email protected]

Breed Info and Referral

Send information as requested by public & through AKC phone referral and WebSite

Anne Jahelka – East of the Mississippi
[email protected]

Carole Ross- West of the Mississippi
[email protected]

Delegate to AKC Canine Health Conference

Represent ABGA at Seminar and disseminate information to ABGA

Sharon Sakson
[email protected]

Greetings and Goodwill Committee

Create amity through sending notes of congratulations, condolence, etc. to members

Ann K Buckley
[email protected]


Evaluate, report and make recommendations on Legislative issues to the club members

Perfomance Events Committee

To increase interest in performance events within the Griffon fancy

Website Chair

Maintains website and posts updates and news as needed.  Coordinates with ABGA Board, Officers, and Members as required.

Rhonda Peralta
[email protected]