Talk To A Responsible Breeder
One of the most reliable source for learning about the Brussels Griffon is a responsible breeder/exhibitor, the professionals of the dog world. The Griffon breeder/exhibitor usually belongs to the American Brussels Griffon Association (ABGA), AKC parent club for the breed, is a breeder of merit and/or belong to their local all breed kennel club where they can network with others devoted to canine welfare. They not only offer Griffon information, but life long assistance in understanding this breed should you purchase one of their pups. Their knowledge comes from experience and study as close to this breeder’s heart is a sincere, honest, and untiring effort to improve the breed. This breeder knows about correct Griffon type, temperament, soundness, and good health which is used to screen the sire and dame of each litter before mating. The breeder will keep certain puppies for show/breeding; but space, time and money do not permit keeping them all. Those puppies which do not meet rigid show requirements, will be offered as spayed/neutered pets. They possess the same inherited genetic qualities of good health, soundness, and Griffon characteristics as their litter mates. Since a pure breed Brussels Griffon is an investment of your heart as well as your money, the probability of success is greater with a puppy bred by a knowledgeable responsible breeder/exhibitor. Please contact one of our breeder members for more information. Breeders listed on this page are members of the ABGA and have agreed to the American Brussels Griffon Association Code of Ethics.