• There is a "Save and continue later" option at the bottom of this page should you choose not to complete the application in one sitting.
  • Step 1: Member Applicant(s) Information

  • Step 2: Endorsement of two ABGA members in good standing

  • Step 3: Membership Type

    Regular memberships have voting privileges; Associate and junior memberships do not have voting privileges.
  • Step 4: Signature of ABGA Pledge

    If accepted as an ABGA member, I pledge to uphold and preserve the American Brussels Griffon Association, and to read and understand the Code of Ethics (see pages 5 & 6) when making decisions for my own Brussels Griffons and the protection preservation of the Brussels Griffon breed as a whole. If I fail to adhere to this pledge, this may constitute “misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or the Breed” for which I may be subject to disciplinary action as described in the ABGA Constitution and By-Laws.
  • By typing your name above, you agree to uphold the ABGA Pledge and also fully understand typing your name is the equivalent of a hand written signature.
  • Step 5: Breed History of Applicant(s)

    Please use the following questions as a means of introducing yourself to the ABGA Board and membership. Click in each box to type your response.
  • Click on the + button if you have more than one mentor.
  • Breed# of dogs owned/co-owned 
  • Please complete 9-11 if you are applying for regular membership.

  • Event NameLocationDate(s) 
  • Date AttendedAKC Sanctioned Judge that presented 
  • Step 6: Checklist for submitting your ABGA Membership Application

    Each applicant must submit the following:
  • $0.00
  • By typing your name above, you are confirming that the information provided in this form is accurate. You also fully understand typing your name is the equivalent of a hand-written signature.
  • When you submit your form, you will receive an email with payment instructions. If you do not receive this email, check your "spam" or "junk" folder.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.